3 research outputs found

    Modelling and estimation in lithium-ion batteries: a literature review

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    Lithium-ion batteries are widely recognised as the leading technology for electrochemical energy storage. Their applications in the automotive industry and integration with renewable energy grids highlight their current significance and anticipate their substantial future impact. However, battery management systems, which are in charge of the monitoring and control of batteries, need to consider several states, like the state of charge and the state of health, which cannot be directly measured. To estimate these indicators, algorithms utilising mathematical models of the battery and basic measurements like voltage, current or temperature are employed. This review focuses on a comprehensive examination of various models, from complex but close to the physicochemical phenomena to computationally simpler but ignorant of the physics; the estimation problem and a formal basis for the development of algorithms; and algorithms used in Li-ion battery monitoring. The objective is to provide a practical guide that elucidates the different models and helps to navigate the different existing estimation techniques, simplifying the process for the development of new Li-ion battery applications.This research received support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under projects MAFALDA (PID2021-126001OB-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ ERDF,EU) and MASHED (TED2021-129927B-I00), and by FI Joan Oró grant (code 2023 FI-1 00827), cofinanced by the European Union.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Control architecture for a microgrid composed by a fuel cell, a battery and a supercapacitor

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    In this Master’s Thesis, a control architecture for a microgrid containing a Fuel Cell, Superca- pacitor and lithium-ion Battery (BT) has been developed, with the goal to be implementable in the microgrid located in the FC Lab of IRI. The mentioned microgrid has been modified with the addition of the BT, for which hardware and software had to be developed. As the topology of the microgrid is full-active, which means that every element is connected to a DC bus through a power converter, the control of this converters has been also designed, simulated and implemented. In order of effectively integrating the BT into the microgrid, a battery voltage model has been developed and fitted, and then used in the BT SoC estimation using EKF. Then, a strategy based in Filter-Based Control (FBC) has been developed and simulated, taking as case of application the behaviour of a van in the WLTP cycle. It has been found that the control could successfully manage the power distribution under this case, maintaining the bus voltage at the desired reference and the BT and SC SoCs within the desired rangesEn aquesta tesi de màster, s’ha desenvolupat l’arquitectura de control per una micro- xarxa que conté una pila de combustible (PC), supercondensadors (SC) i bateries d’ió de liti (BT), amb l’objectiu de ser implementable en la microxarxa que es troba al Laboratori de PC de l’IRI. La microxarxa mencionada s’ha modificat per afegir la BT, per la qual cosa va ser necessari el desenvolupament de hardware i software. Com la topologia de la microxarxa és completament activa, cosa que vol dir que tots els elements estan connectats al bus DC a través d’un convertidor de potència, el control d’aquests conver- tidors també s’ha hagut de dissenyar, simular i implementar. Per tal d’integrar efectivament la BT a la microxarxa, s’ha desenvolupat i ajustat un model de la tensió de bateria, per després utilitzar-lo per estimar el SoC de la BT utilitzant EKF. Després, s’ha desenvolupat i simulat una estratègia de control basada en filtres, prenent com a cas d’aplicació el comportament d’una furgoneta en el cicle WLTP. S’ha trobat que el control podia gestionar exitosament la distribució de potència per aquest cas, mantenint la tensió de bus a la referència desitjada i els SoCs de SC i BT dins dels rangs desitjatsEn esta tesis de master, se ha desarrollado la arquitectura de control para una microred que contine una pila de combustible (PC), supercondensadores (SC) i baterias de ión de litio (BT), con el objetivo de ser implementable en la microred que se encuentra en el Laboratorio de PC del IRI. La microred mencionada se ha modificado para añadir la BT, por la cual cosa fue necesario el desarrollo de hardware y software. Como la topología de la microred es completamente activa, cosa que significa que todos los elementos están conectados al bus DC a través de un convertidor de potencia, el control de estos convertidores también se ha tenido que diseñar, simular e implementar. Con tal de integrar efectivamente la BT en la microred, se ha desarrollado y ajustado un modelo de la tensión de batería, par después utilizarlo para estimar el SoC de la BT utilizando EKF. Después, se ha desarrollado y simulado una estrategia de control basada en filtros, tomando como caso de aplicación el comportamiento de una furgoneta en el ciclo WLTP. Se ha encontrado que el control podía gestionar exitosamente la distribución de potencia para este caso, manteniendo la tensión de bus en la referencia deseada y los SoCs de SC y BT dentro de los rangos deseado

    Análisis de control y aplicación en EVs de sistema de almacenamiento de energía híbrido basado en litio y supercondensadores

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    Nuestro proyecto plantea como tema de estudio la viabilidad y el análisis detallado de un sistema de almacenamiento de energía basado en baterías de litio y SC, su implementación en diferentes vehículos eléctricos (coches, motocicletas, autobuses). Se han considerado dos metodologías de dimensionado de HESS: la primera basada en la tesis doctoral de MorenoTorres (2016), y la segunda, desarrollada por los autores, con respecto a los recursos y reservas mundiales de litio que se espera que sean problemáticos debido a la demanda de EV en los años venideros. Se han probado diferentes casuísticas bajo la misma ley de control, obteniendo resultados prometedores para el dimensionado de Tipo 2.Our project raises as subject of study the viability and detailed analysis of an energy storage system based on Lithium batteries and SC, its implementation on different electric vehicles (car, motorcycle, bus). Two dimensioning methodologies of HESS have been considered: the first based on the doctoral thesis of Moreno-Torres (2016), and the second, developed by the authors, regarding global Lithium resources and reserves expected problematic due to EV demand over the following years. Different casuistic have been tested under the same control law, obtaining promising results for Type 2 dimensioning